How Do You Get Free Mounts in Final Fantasy 14?

Game: Final Fantasy XIV
Time: 2022-07-09 02:56:20
Views: 1135

How Do You Get Free Mounts in Final Fantasy 14?


You can use real money or Final Fantasy XIV Gil to buy a lot of mounts from the Online Store, but some of the mounts are entirely free. Do you want to stock up on these free mounts? Well, look no further, we have compiled a handy list of all the free Final Fantasy mounts and how you can obtain them.


Quest Mounts

These are mounts you can obtain by playing through the quest:


Rank Mounts Requirements
1 Chocobo Reach level 20, align with a Grand Company and complete the "My Little Chocobo" side quest.
2 Magitek Armor Complete the main quest, "The Ultimate Weapon."
3 CPU Complete the main quest, "Fetters of Lament."
4 Manacutter Complete the main quest, "Into the Aery."
5 Black Chocobo Complete the main quest "Divine Chocobo."
6 Yol Complete the main quest, "In the Footsteps of Bardam the Brave."
7 Ehll Tou Complete the side quest "On Ehll Tou's Wings."
8 Unicorn Complete the Final Fantasy XIV job quest "Unicorn Power."
9 Firebird Acquire all Lanner bird mounts and complete the quest "Fiery Wings, Fiery Hearts."
10 Landerwaffe Acquire all Qwiber dragon mounts and complete the "The Dragon Made" quest.
11 Kamuy of the Nine Tails Acquire all Kamuy wolf mounts and complete the quest "A Lone Wolf No More."
12 Kirin Complete the quest "A Legend for a Legend."


Achievement Mounts


These are mounts you can acquire by completing achievements:


Rank Mounts Requirements
1 Amaro Obtain the achievement "A Life for Adventure IV."
2 Blue Mage Obtain the achievement of "True Blue."
3 War Lion Obtain the achievement "But Somebody's Gotta Do It (Paladin)."
4 War Bear Obtain the achievement "But Somebody's Gotta Do It (Warrior)."
5 War Panther Obtain the achievement "But Somebody's Gotta Do It (Dark Knight)."
6 War Tiger Obtain the achievement "Tank you, Gunbreaker II."
7 Battle Lion Obtain the achievement "Tank you, Paladin III."
8 Battle Bear Obtain the achievement "Tank you, Warrior III."
9 Battle Panther Obtain the achievement "Tank you, Dark Knight III."
10 Battle Tiger Obtain the achievement "Tank you, Gunbreaker III."
11 Cerberus Obtain the achievement "Savage Queen of Swords I."
12 Centurio Tiger Obtain the achievement "You Got Game."
13 Triceratops Obtain the achievement "Nuts for Nutsy."
14 Goten Obtain the achievement "Fame Fatale."
15 Ginga Obtain the achievement "Frontline Fury."
16 Raigo Obtain the achievement of "Furious Fatalities."
17 Storm Warsteed Obtain the achievement "A Line in the Storm IV."
18 Serpent Warsteed Obtain the achievement "A Line in the Glade IV."
19 Flame Warsteed Obtain the achievement "A Line in the Sand IV."
20 Logistics System Obtain the achievement "Behind Enemy Lines I."
21 Aerodynamics System Obtain the achievement "In a Blaze of Glory V."
22 Magitek Avenger Obtain the achievement "Die Another Day III."
23 Magitek Avenger A-1 Obtain the achievement "Out of Hiding."
24 Safeguard System Obtain the achievement "Front and Center V."
25 Gloria-class Airship Obtain the achievement "You Are What You Eat IV."
26 Pteranodon Obtain the achievement "Castle in the Sky."
27 Hybodus Obtain the achievement "No More Fish in the Sea II."
28 Al-iklil Obtain the Final Fantasy XIV achievement "A Complete History."


Deep Dungeons Mounts

You can obtain these mounts by Deep Dungeons:


Rank Mounts Requirements
1 Black Pegasus Earn as a rare loot drop from the Deep Dungeon "The Palace of the Dead."
2 Dodo Earn as a rare loot drop from the Deep Dungeon "Heaven-on-High."
3 Juedi Obtain four Empyrean Reliquaries four separate times in the Deep Dungeon "Heaven-on-High" and turn them into the Cast-off Confederate in the Ruby Sea of Final Fantasy XIV.

Raid and Dungeon Mounts

These mounts are rewards for clearing Raids and Dungeons:


Rank Mounts Requirements
1 Gobwalker Complete the eight-man raid "Alexander: Gordian, Burden of the Father (Savage)."
2 Arrhidaeus Complete the eight-man raid "Alexander: Creator, Soul of the Creator (Savage)."
3 Alte Roite Complete the eight-man raid "Deltascape 4.0 (Savage)".
4 Air Force Complete the eight-man raid "Sigmascape 4.0 (Savage)".
5 Model O Complete the eight-man raid "Alphascape 4.0 (Savage)".
6 Skyslipper Complete the eight-man raid "Eden's Gate: Sepulture (Savage)."
7 Ramuh Complete the eight-man raid "Eden's Verse: Refulgence (Savage)."
8 Eden Complete the eight-man raid "Eden's Promise: Eternity (Savage)."
9 Gabriel Mark III Earn as a loot drop in the 24-man raid "Delubrum Reginae."
10 Deinonychus Obtained in the final boss' loot chest in the 48-man Final Fantasy XIV raid "Dalriada."
11 Magitek Predator Earn as a rare lot drop from defeating Zenos yae Galvus in the dungeon "Ala Mhigo."
12 Demi Ozma Earn as a loot drop for defeating Ozma in the 56-man dungeon "The Baldesion Arsenal."


Trial Mounts

These mounts are rewards for completing Trials:


Rank Mounts Requirements
1 Aithon Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Bowls of Ember (Extreme)."
2 Gullifaxi Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Navel (Extreme)."
3 Xanthos Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Howling Eye (Extreme)."
4 Enbarr Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Whorleater (Extreme)."
5 Markab Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Striking Tree (Extreme)."
6 Boreas Earn as a loot drop from the Trial (The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme)".
7 Nightmare Earn as a rare loot drop from Trials "The Bowls of Ember (Extreme)," "The Navel (Extreme)," or "The Howling Eye (Extreme)."
8 Rose Lanner Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "Thok Ast Thok (Extreme" or trade 99 Hive Totems to Bertana.
9 White Lanner Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Limitless Blue (Extreme)" or trade 99 Expanse Totems to Bertana.
10 Dark Lanner Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Minstrel's Balad: Nidhogg's Rage" or trade 99 Horde Totems to Bertana.
11 Round Lanner Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign" or trade 99 Heavens' Ward Helm Fragments to Bertana.
12 Warring Lanner Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "Containment Bay P1T7 (Extreme)" or trade 99 Fiend Totems to Bertana.
13 Sophic Lanner Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "Containment Bay P1T9 (Extreme)" or trade 99 Goddess Totems to Bertana.
14 Demonic Lanner Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "Containment bay P1T9 (Extreme)" or trade 99 Demon Totems to Bertana.
15 Blissful Kamuy Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "Emanation (Extreme)" or trade 99 Bliss Totems to Eschina.
16 Reveling Kamuy Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Pool of Tribute (Extreme): or trade 99 Revel Totems to Eschina.
17 Legendary Kamuy Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain) or trade 99 Shinryu Totems to Eschina.
18 Auspicious Kamuy Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Jade Stoa (Extreme) or trade 99 Byakko Totems to Eschina.
19 Lunar Kumay Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain" or trade 99 Lunar Totems to Eschina.
20 Euphonious Kamuy Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "Hells' Kier (Extreme)" or trade 99 Suzaku Totems to Eschina.
21 Hallowed Kamuy Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "Hell's Kier (Extreme)" or trade 99 Seiryu Totems to Eschina.
22 Fae Qwiber Earn as a loot drop from the Trial: The Dancing Plague (Extreme)" or trade 99 King Totems to Fathard.
23 Innocent Qwiber Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Crown of the Immaculate (Extreme)" or trade 99 King Totems to Fathard.
24 Qwiber of Light Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Seat of Sacrific (Extreme)" or trade 99 Totems of Light to Fathard.
25 Shadow Qwiber Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades' Elegy" or trade 99 Hades Totems to Fathard.
26 Ruby Qwiber Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Cinder Drift (Extreme)" or trade 99 Ruby Totems to C'intana.
27 Emerald Qwiber Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "Castrum Marinum (Extreme)" or trade 99 Emerald Totems to C'intana.
28 Diamond Qwiber Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Cloud Deck (Extreme)" or trade 99 Diamond Totems to C'intana.
29 Rathalos Earn as a loot drop from the Trial "The Great Hunt (Extreme)" or trade 50 Rathalos Scales+ to Smithy.


Other Mounts


Rank Mounts Requirements
1 Tyrannosaurus Earn as a loot drop from Anemos Lockboxes in "The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos."
2 Eldthurs Earn as a loot drop from Happy Bunny Lockboxes in "The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos."
3 Eurekan Petrel Earn as a loot drop from Happy Bunny Lockboxes in "The Forbidden land, Eureka Hydatos."
4 Gabriel A Earn as a loot drop from Southern Front Lockboxes in "The Bozjan Southern Front."
5 Draught Chocobo Take part in the "Recruit a Friend" campaign.
6 Amber Draught Chocobo Turn in eight Gold Chocobo feathers to the Calamity Salvager.
7 Twintania Turn in 15 Gold Chocobo feathers to the Calamity Salvager.
8 Managarm Turn in eight Gold Chocobo feathers to the Calamity Salvager.
9 Disembodied Head Turn in 10 Gelmorran Potsherds to E-Una-Kotor in Final Fantasy XIV.
10 Forgiven Reticence Trade 3200 Sacks of Nuts to Xylle or Ilfroy in Final Fantasy XIV.
11 Dhalmel Earn as a reward in the Kupe of Fortune mini-game of Final Fantasy XIV.
12 Construct 14 Turn in 180 Bozjan Clusters to the Resistance Quartermaster.


Stay tuned to for more specific info about mounts in Final Fantasy XIV.