As a new final fantasy xiv player, you want to know how to get the best loot and the most Gil from farming monsters, and learn how to get rare items and lots of Gil from farming monsters. This article will show you how to get best loot and most Final Fantasy XIV Gil.
Final Fantasy 14 farming guide: Getting rare items from monsters
Like all MMORPG's the majority of the items that you have in your inventory comes from farming mobs. In Final Fantasy 14, this is no different.
If you want to get the best items from killing monsters, you will need to know which monsters are prone to drop what items. Each monster in FF14 will only usually drop a set of items and nothing else. However, if you are lucky, you might get something rare from an unusual monster.
Monsters tips
You will also want to find a good location where these monsters spawn. The more you kill, the higher the chance that you will get a really good drop. Typically when you go farming for items, you will not want to party up with anyone because they can steal your items that you worked for. Buy lots of potions so that you can solo a good spawn and grind for the items you need.
Most of players choose to level up character by purchasing FFXIV Powerleveling service from web stores. The professional gamers can powerlevel a character to top level in quite short time, perhaps only will take 1/3 of your playing time. This can save you a lot of time!