FFXIV4GIL is ranked NO.1 in the Final Fantaxy XIV industry , check out the the advantages of buying ffxiv gil at ffxiv4gil.com below:
1.We have FFXIV Gil in stock and the fastest delivery time. The realms with enough FFXIV Gil in stock, and we are able to deliver FFXIV Gil approximately 2 minutes after we confirm your payment in most cases.
2.We can show you our FFXIV Gil first. First time ordering from us? We get it! You’re wondering if this is for real. If thousands of happy customers over nearly a decade of business selling for all types of MMO’s hasn’t convinced you we’re 100% legitimate, we will meet you in game, take a screenshot, and SHOW YOU THE MONEY… we mean FFXIV Gil, in real time so you can see for yourself. Ffxiv4gil deserves your trust and is the best choice to Buy FFXIV Gil.
3.We may not be the cheapest but we are the most honest. Do you really want to take a chance ordering FFXIV Gil for a few pennies less and risk being scammed, or worse, having some amateur Gil Seller (who probably spent all day spamming in-game) get you kicked? Yes, we charge a couple pennies more /million Gil, but it’s worth it. For instance, if you order FFXIV Gil while we are out of stock, we’ll tell you first… then if a bit of a wait is okay with you, we’ll work our hardest to raise the Gil within a day, or sometimes a couple hours… and if while waiting for your Gil to arrive prices go down we’ll give you more Gil to match the economy… but if prices go up we won’t charge you a penny more. Ask our competitors to do that and they’ll probably laugh at you.
4.We offer safe FFXIV Gil and Secure delivery. Get this message recently? "adhaou aherue – SuPer chea-pest G!L Prices go to WWW Goatcheese whatever dot com!!!!" Probably, because we all have. Those are the ones who get caught and get you in trouble, not to mention they are annoying. All of our sellers are real players who are professional enough to trade with you. We have more than ten years' experience in the gaming market which allows us to provide you with the most exceptional services.
5.We guarantee refunds at any time prior to delivery. If you pre-order FFXIV Gil and want a refund, you get one right away as long as we haven’t already delivered the Gil. That seems fair to us but for some reason our competitors just won’t do it.