Several months ago, Square Enix opened the quite early access of the totally brand new Final Fantasy XIV expansion named Shadowbringers, and it came with its share of "Optional Items" on the Mog Station.
And if you are unfamiliar with that, we can tell you that the Mog Station, in fact, is the game's account system that also works as a cash shop. And Optional Items are basically microtransactions.
And under this circumstance, the new items let players boost their level to 70 and to skip the story quests all the way to Shadowbringers.
The Tales of Adventure: Stormblood items costs $25/£18.50/€21,75 depending on the place you live, and allows you to skip the story up to the Stormblood expansion included, placing you right at the beginning of Shadowbringers. Also, it includes 50 Allagan Platinum Pieces (which can be transferred into 500,000 Final Fantasy XIV Gil and 10 silver chocobo feather, and this can be exchanged for equipment.
The Tales Of Adventure: One XXX's Journey II (Where "XXX" is one of the jobs of the game) comes with the very same cost, and it boosts that job's level to 70. What's more, it also comes with its own 50 Allagan Platinum Pieces, and a coffer with some of the best gear you can receive when you hit level 70 (the Scaevan set).
This means that if you buy the game today and want to start from the expansion, then you pretty much need to drop an extra $50 to skip this previous story and then boost your level to 70. You will also have quite good starting gear and a bit of FFXIV Gil to spend along the ride.
Whether that is worth the admission price or not is just for you to make a judgment. In my opinion, while I might understand wanting to skip the leveling grind, I feel that the story of Final Fantasy XIV, even more so with Heavensward and Final Fantasy Stormblood, is one of the best ever in the series of Final Fantasy. Spending more skip content I paid for is not my cup of tea, but your mileage may vary.
Incidentally, we also receive the Tales Of Adventure: One Retainer's Journey II item, which also boosts your retainer's level to 70. It costs $9.00/£5.20/€6,30. You also can purchase packs of three for $25.50/£14.70/€17,70 and packs of five for $40.50/£23.30/€28,40.
Well, that is everything you need to know how to get new lvel 70 boost "Optional Items" for Final Fantasy XIV:Shadowbringers. If you would like to know more information about Final Fantasy XIV, for instance, the method to earn Final Fantasy XIV Gil, and the basic information about FFXIV, you can click here.